Growing Evidences of Challenging Environment in Nursing Profession: A Qualitative Study of Patterns, Causes and Outcomes

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Akanksha, Dr. Devina Sharma ,Swati Saxena


The raising violence against overall medical professional has increased over few last decades. The nursing personnels bear the primary responsibility of caregiving for in patient departments and cater to their medical needs. This profession demands rigorous training and supervision to provide the best support. The aim was to understand the patterns, causes and outcomes of challenges against the nursing personnels. The data of 20 online news articles and blogs was collected on 04.09.2024 through google search. The coding and themes were analysed manually. The frequency and percentage analysis were done with the help of a software. The result findings revealed a total of 4 themes and 9 sub-themes, focusing on current patterns, causes and outcomes of rising challenges among nursing personnels. Based on present findings, it can be concluded that the struggles or challenges of nursing personnels is increasing rapidly along with high work demand and absence of balanced work life.

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