Knowledge, Attitudes, and Healthcare-Seeking Behavior Regarding Menopause Among Rural Women: A Questionnaire-Based Assessment of Quality-of-Life Parameters

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Pooja HN, Dr C S Soujanya


Background: Menopause significantly impacts women's health and quality of life, particularly in rural settings where healthcare access and knowledge may be limited. Understanding the relationship between menopause-related knowledge, healthcare-seeking behavior, and quality of life is crucial for developing effective interventions for rural women.

Objectives: This study aimed to assess menopause-related knowledge, examine healthcare-seeking behavior patterns, and evaluate their impact on quality of life among rural women. Additionally, we investigated the barriers to healthcare access and factors influencing menopause management in rural settings.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 384 rural women aged 45-60 years, selected through multistage sampling. Data were collected using structured questionnaires, including the Menopause Knowledge Questionnaire (MKQ), Menopause Attitude Scale (MAS), and Menopause-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (MENQOL). Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression.

Results: The mean knowledge score was 6.8 ± 2.4 out of 15, with only 37% of participants seeking professional healthcare for menopausal symptoms. The mean MENQOL score was 3.8 ± 1.2, indicating moderate quality of life impairment. Knowledge scores significantly correlated with both healthcare-seeking behavior (r = 0.426, p < 0.001) and quality of life (β = -0.324, p < 0.001). Major barriers to healthcare access included financial constraints (64.5%), distance to facilities (58.7%), and lack of awareness (51.2%).

Conclusion: The study reveals significant knowledge gaps and limited healthcare-seeking behavior among rural women during menopause, substantially affecting their quality of life. These findings emphasize the need for targeted educational interventions and improved healthcare accessibility in rural areas. Community-based health programs and policy initiatives addressing both educational and structural barriers are recommended to enhance menopausal health management in rural settings.

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