Modality And Effectiveness Of Delivering Physics Instruction Through Mobile Teaching As An Alternative Teaching-Learning Tool In The New Normal: Basis For Enhancing Responsiveness of Faculty in the SUCs
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This descriptive research determined the modality and effectiveness of delivering physics instruction as an alternative tool in the new normal. The results served as basis for determining the responsiveness of the Faculty in the State and Universities and Colleges in Northern Iloilo. Results revealed that most of the faculty were using a combination of modular and online learning modality. The faculty sent modules and followed up through online discussion, and also sent and retrieve modules through online, utlized several devices such as cellphone, laptops and tablets. Likewise, faculty conducted lessons through online twice a week, and the time allocated for the discussion depended on the allocated schedule provided by the program chairs. Moreover, the flexible learning was evaluated by the faculty as moderately effective and absorption rate of the learners were also described as less than 50%. Learners performance according to the faculty was described as satisfactory, through this they preferred to have a mobile school to visit different houses of the learners for monitoring and follow up. The faculty were also willing to be assigned as mobile teachers however, the limitations identified were more on the sustainability of the project in terms of financial aspect, facilities and manpower. Faculty were willing to serve on the best of their capacity and time however, if in terms of financial support if noted to be up to the limit, faculty would decide to eventually not to participate. Finally, the learning modality preferred in terms of mobile learning had a great impact to the learners and the community as well.