Helisidi As A Model Of Dental And Oral Health Care

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Hendry Boy, Linda Marilia, Sukarsih


Introduction. This study aimed to design a model of oral health care for inpatients that could be implemented by Dental and Oral Therapists in hospitals. The model would be tested and, finally, could be applied and used by the TGM at Raden Mattaher Hospital, Jambi Province.

Methods. This type of research was applied research, using mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative). The study involved dental and oral therapists (TGM) in the inpatient rooms of Raden Mattaher Hospital, Jambi Province.

Results. The results showed that the expert validation score for the inpatient Helisidi model was 91.6%, indicating its high feasibility for use. Meanwhile, the field trial related to the implementation of oral health care yielded a score of 90.74%, signifying its strong suitability for practical application. Additionally, the observations of the implementation of inpatient dental and oral health care revealed a rate of 91.52%, meeting the criteria for highly competent inpatient dental and oral health care implementation.

Conclusion: The HELISIDI model and card, developed as an inpatient oral health care model, demonstrated feasibility and competence for use within the inpatient services of Raden Mattaher Jambi Hospital.

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