Development And Effectiveness Of A Continuity Of Care Pocket Book As An Educational Tool On Midwifery Provider Satisfaction

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Zulaeha A. Amdadi, SittiMukarramah


Background: The quality of care provided by midwives plays a crucial role in maternal and neonatal outcomes, yet their satisfaction with the care process remains a critical factor in improving service delivery. This study aimed to evaluate the development and effectiveness of a Continuity of Care pocket book as an educational tool on midwifery provider satisfaction.

Methods: This research utilized a Research & Development approach with a quasi-experimental design, specifically employing a two-group pre-test post-test design, including a control group. Twenty participants were divided into two groups: the pocket book group (80 participants) and the control group. The study was conducted from June to November 2023 at PuskesmasKassi-kassi, PuskesmasJongaya, and PuskesmasMinasaUpa in Makassar City. Data analysis was performed using the Mann Whitney test.

Results: The Pocket Book group showed a satisfaction mean value of 19.40 with a standard deviation of 0.882, whereas in the MCH book group, the mean value was 15.95 with a standard deviation of 1.503. The resulting p-value was 0.001, indicating significance at α (0.05).

Conclusion: The study's conclusion confirmed that implementing the Continuity of Care module can enhance the satisfaction of midwifery service providers.

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