Amnesic Aphasia in Patients of Cerebrovascular Accident- A Hospital Based Study from Kashmir Valley.

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Ambreen Farooq, Insha Hamid, Maria Bashir, Arati Madhukar Chandanshive, Vishal Soni, Palak Shilpi, Sheikh Imran Sayeed, Tazeen Khan, Mohd Syed Lone, Riyaz A. Lone


Amnesic aphasia is a disorder in which a person feels difficulty in retrieving words or naming objects/things, or expressing oneself. The inability varies from patient to patient or may even vary within the same patient. Cerebrovascular accidents or stroke is a major cause of aphasia and the amnesic aphasia also called anomia is a form of aphasia found in these patients. We, in this study aimed to find the presence of anomia in aphasia due to stroke in patients who are natives of Kashmir (Kashmiri speakers) and also see the severity of anomia in the same. We used Philadelphia Naming Test and Action Naming Test for the study. The results showed the varied degree of anomia in stroke patients and the severity varied from patient to patient.  The noun retrieval was more severely affected as compared to the verb retrieval. The severity decreased with the increase in time since stroke. Our study can help neurologists to better understand the aphasia as a result of stroke and help in planning better treatment strategies for effective management of the problem.

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