Diversity and Distribution of Marine Gastropods at Rocky Intertidal Shore of Veraval coast of Gujarat

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Rahul B. Solanki, Dr. Jatin Raval, Dr. Vibhuti Raval


Intertidal zone contains a high diversity of species, and the zonation created by the tides causes species ranges to be compressed into very narrow bands. This zone is home of many several species from different taxa including porifera, annelids, coelenterates, molluscs and crustaceans. Gastropoda is the largest class of mollusca phylum. The present investigation has been done on the diversity and distribution of marine gastropods alongside at rocky intertidal shore of Veraval. The coastline has mostly steeply declined tidal flat that makes it difficult to access the lower littoral zone. Quadrate method was followed on monthly basis from July 2020 to March 2021. It was utilized for to appraise population density, abundance, and frequency of gastropods. In this study, gastropod fauna was recorded 32 species belonging to 7 Order and 16 Families. There was 2 km long belt intertidal rocky coastal area with 120 mt stretch taken for study. A study was carried out by visiting the coast at different time and tide also. Many photographs click of gastropods shell were captured. Identification was done by using of standard literature. Results showed that major molluscan population belonged to class gastropoda with dominating species like Cerithium caeruleum, Lunella coronate, Turbo intercostalis, Peronia verruculata, Astraea stellate and Cypraea eglantine.

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