Investigating The Effectiveness Of An E-Service-Learning Based Learning Model On High School Students’ Critical Thinking Ability
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This study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of an e-service-learning-based learning model in increasing high school students’ critical thinking abilities. A one-group pre-test-post-test design was employed, with 29 high school students as participants of the study, selected through non-random sampling. The learning model consists of a combination of online and offline learning. A pretest was administered before students went through the e-learning material, followed by a posttest after all the learning model syntax was completed. The result indicates that the learning model has an N-Gain score of 58.62, which fits into the category of “quite effective.” It can be concluded that the learning model is quite effective in increasing high school students’ critical thinking ability with further development. One recommendation for further study is to develop a teacher training model to teach critical thinking ability and to measure its effectiveness.