Examining the Role of Social Space in the Competitiveness of Sports Press Using a Structural Equation Modeling Approach

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Seyed Amin Dehghan Benadaki, Fatemeh Abdavi , Mohammad Rasul Khodadadi, Hamid Qasmi


The purpose of this research was to investigate the Role of Social Space in Sports Press Competitiveness: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. The statistical population of the research was administrators and bloggers in the field of online media, research activists in the field of media and sports press, sports reporters and sports writers, and managers of media and sports press. Sampling was done in a targeted manner and using the judgment and Rezazadeh approach, 130 people were estimated, and finally 126 questionnaires were completed and analyzed. Ten scientific and executive experts were asked to evaluate content validity. Then, the combined reliability and validity of the construct was checked and confirmed in the final stage using PLS software. The results of the factor analysis of the structures of each of the 8 main variables showed that all the components have a significant explanatory role. The path analysis also showed that the relationships between 8 main variables in a sequence of five levels (background variables of sports press competition in online space, factors related to the role of online space for sports press, systemic factors of sports press competitiveness in online space and outcome variables of competition) Acceptability of sports press in the online space) from independent variables to dependent variables is positive and significant and the conceptual model has a favorable fit. It should be acknowledged that according to today's documents and evidence, the competition of the sports press in the online space is inevitable, and the sports press should know that the society has been pushed towards the media and the digital space and the existing social networks, and the sports audience and other sports enthusiasts in this area constitute the majority of people in the society.

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