What Is The Role Of Brand Image And Perceived Value On The Purchase Decision Of Outpatient Visitors At Restu Ibu Hospital Balikpapan City?
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Background: Patients' decisions to utilize hospital services are influenced by brand image (BI) and perceived value (PV), where it is still debated whether brand image directly influences decisions or through the formation of perceived value first.
Objective: To analyze the role of brand image and customer perceived value on purchase decision of outpatient services at Restu Ibu Hospital Balikpapan.
Method: Quantitative research using path analysis, because there are exogenous independent and endogenous dependent variables with mediation or intermediary models (intervening variables), where the presence of variable Y as an intermediate variable will change the effect of variable X on variable Z.
Results: The effect of brand image to purchase decision is positive 0.125, meaning that the better the brand image, the better the purchase decision, the effect of perceived value to purchase decision is positive 0.114, meaning that the better the perceived value, the better the purchase decision, the effect of brand image of Restu Ibu Hospital Balikpapan on perceived of consumers is positive 0.202, meaning that the better the brand image, the better the perceived value, while the indirect effect of brand image (X1) on purchase decision (X3) is the result of the path coefficient (P31) and (P23) obtained C value.R>1.96 (2.777) and ρ value 0.000 (0.001).(0.036), which means there is an indirect effect of brand image to purchase decision through perceived value at Restu Ibu Hospital Balikpapan.
Conclusion: Brand image and perceived value affect purchase decision of outpatient services at Restu Ibu Hospital Balikpapan, with indirect effect of brand image through perceived value. Managerial implications include improving brand image through facility improvement, service reliability, and patient experience, while future research can explore other mediators such as patient satisfaction, loyalty, and trust.