Assessing the knowledge and awareness of Local Anesthetic Complications among Undergraduate Dental Students in Tamil Nadu, India - A Cross-Sectional Study
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Background: In Dentistry, the administration of a Local anesthetic agent (LA), needs to have sound knowledge about the dosage, technique, and composition of the anesthetic used. It is imperative that dental students be aware of the potential complications of local anesthetics and have the adequate knowledge and equipment to handle them. Hence, this cross-sectional study aimed to assess the knowledge and awareness of local complications among dental students.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess knowledge and practice among 240 dental students about LA complications over 3 months by using a self-administrative questionnaire with four domains, in multiple-choice and correct and incorrect options were interpreted in yes/no format. Data analysis was carried out using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows version 20.0 software.
Results: There was no discernible difference in knowledge across the groups. However by comparing groups regarding the year of the study revealed statistically significant differences [P=0.008] only about paraesthesia. Knowledge regarding Nerve block techniques and their complications, around six questions, the difference in knowledge scores between these groups is found to be statistically significant between interns and others. While comparing the knowledge to manage the complications, Interns (77%) stated that the inferior nerve block has a high aspiration rate and showed statistically significant differences between the students.
Conclusion: The overall knowledge and awareness about local Anaesthesia and its complications were limited among the undergraduates. It should be emphasized with further training courses to update the knowledge of dental students.