“Effectiveness of educational module on knowledge regarding women empowerment among nursing students”

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Mrs. Sangeeta Patil,DR. Nitanjali Patil ,Ms. Jesly Elza Thomas,Ms. Jibi Varghese,Ms. Jiby Abraham,Ms. Jichina sunny,Ms. Jincy Susan Jacob


Background of the study:


Domestic violence encompasses physical, emotional, psychological, and sexual abuse within a household or intimate relationship. Strengthening laws and ensuring their strict enforcement can protect women from violence and discrimination.

Objectives: Study done with objectives of effectiveness of education module on knowledge of nursing students on women empowerment.

Material and Methods:Experimental study done on one group pre –post-test design on 80 B.sc nursing students with convenient sampling technique.  Self-prepared questionnaire prepared for the study. Questionnaire validated by the expert. Ethical permission taken from the ethical committeeSamples selected according to inclusion criteria with those completed their 18yrs age and above. Researcherexplained purpose of the study to the samples before data collection and data collection done as a pretest. Educational module given to each sample and after 7 days post taken with same questionnaire. Knowledge level categories were (Poor knowledge 0-7, Average 8-12, and good knowledge 13-18) Data was analyzed as per objectives.


The research findings revealed that as per Scio demographic variables50% of students is in 19-20Yrs of age, 87.50% students are resided in semi urban area, 100% students are using internet as source of knowledge and from 1st yr. to 4th yr.  25% of students participated in study.as per level of knowledge 68 (85%) of students had average level of knowledge. In the post test knowledge score maximum 75(93.75%) of students had good knowledge. Pre-test mean SD 9.69(1.86) whereas post -test mean SD 15.31 (1.66) with mean differences -5.62, p=0.0001and t=24. 154.knowledge level was increased after intervention.



This studyhelps to increase the knowledge of Basic Nursing students after intervention of educational module on Women empowerment. Students understand different strategies to improve self-confidant, decision making skills which helps them in their future life.

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