“Effect of teaching instructions on management of neonatal problems among postnatal mothers”
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Introduction: The first four weeks of life outside the womb are referred to as the newborn period. A neonate, often known as a newborn, is a person who is born and remains under 28 days old for up to four weeks. The proper handling of events during the perinatal period is critical to an individual's physical and mental health. Newborns have high rates of illness and mortality, thus they require the best care possible to increase their chances of survival. Over half of newborn deaths are caused by neonatal deaths. It is three to four times higher in India than in the West. Ignoring minor health conditions is one of the factors that contribute to the neonatal fatality rate. Infants are more likely to have minor issues or abnormalities. One of the major factors contributing to the neonatal death rate is the neglect of minor health.
Material and methods: Descriptive research approach, pre Experimental one group pre test post design was used. Study setting was postnatal ward of Krishna Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Karad. 100 postnatal mothers were selected by convenient sampling technique from postnatal ward. Samples were selected as per Inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria. The tool was prepared on the basis of the objectives of the study. The study conducted after study protocol was approved by the Institutional Ethical Committee and ethical committee. The obtained data was analyzed in the term of objectives for the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Majority of sample 60% from 18-25years, 84% were married between age of 18-25years, 58% from rural area, 100% of mothers married, 54% were Hindu, 80% were from joint family, 58% had secondary education, 50% mothers husband had secondary education, 72% of mothers were house maker, 34% mothers husband were doing private job and 38% of mothers having their monthly income above Rs.5,000-10,000.
Distribution of sample according to their obstetrical variables, Majority 61% mothers were 1st gravida, 62% were 1st para, 83% were having their age at 1st pregnancy was 18-25years, 83% were having their age at 1st delivery was 18-25 years,maximum 63% of mothers having one living child and 81% had one abortion in past. Pre- test knowledge score on knowledge of minor neonatal problems maximum 52% of mothers having poor knowledge, 44% having average knowledge and only 4% were having good knowledge. So H1 is accepted. Pre test mean 5.48, SD 2.240. None of the socio-demographic and obstetrical variables were found to have significant association with the level of knowledge.
Conclusion: Postnatal mothers having inadequate knowledge regarding common minor neonatal problems . Mother’s with adequate knowledge is an important factor for healthy infants. There is need to educate mothers during last pregnancy regarding common minor neonatal problems.