Uncommon presentations of carcinoma colon – Experience of a tertiary care centre

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Dr M.Banu, Dr Suhaildeen K, Dr Varadharajan V , Dr Balasubramanian V


Colorectal cancer is the third most common malignancy worldwide as of 2020. Unusual presentation of this cancer (abdominal wall abscess / enterocutaneous fistula) and  locally advanced disease without metastasis  is rare and seen in only 5% to 22% of cases.

We report 3 unusual presentations of colonic carcinoma-  1st case of a 48 year old lady with a  transverse colon tumor with direct invasion into anterior abdominal wall. 2nd case of a 28 year old gentleman with carcinoma sigmoid colon with enterocutaneous fistula , and the 3rd case of a 75 year old lady with transverse colon tumor presenting as an abdominal wall abscess.

Because of the uncommon presentations, our purpose with this review is  to set forth the proper approach when encountering such cases and point the significance of keeping a high index of suspicion. We also highlight the need for utilizing proper diagnostic imaging modalities prior to invasive intervention

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