Chain Mediators Of Body Dissatisfaction And Coping Styles In The Relationship Between Thought Shape Fusion And Social Physique Anxiety In Iranians

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Masoumeh Valipour, Simin Hosseinian, Abbas Abdollahi


The relationship between thought-shape fusion (TSF) and social physique anxiety (SPA) is not directly addressed in the available literature. However, several studies provide insights into SPA and its related constructs, which can help infer potential connections. It is clear that investigating the role of mediators such as body dissatisfaction and coping styles in the relationship between thought shape fusion and social physique anxiety has not been studied. The aim of the current study is to examine the relationship between TSF and SPA and also the role of mediators of body dissatisfaction as the first mediator and coping styles as the second mediator in the relationship between TSF and SPA. A sample of 221 individuals aged 18 to 56 from Tehran completed online self-report questionnaires on Thought Shape Fusion, Satisfaction with Body Image Scale, Stress Coping Styles Questionnaire for Special Situations, and Social Physique Anxiety. Data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling showed that thought shape fusion (β=0.16, p<0.01) significantly predicted social physique anxiety. Furthermore, the analysis revealed that body dissatisfaction and coping styles mediated the relationship between thought shape fusion and social physique anxiety among Iranians.

The findings enhance our understanding of social physique anxiety through cognitive distortion (thought shape fusion) and recommend that body dissatisfaction and individual coping styles in socially stressful situations be considered in determining social physique anxiety and working towards reducing it.

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