Agricultural Productivity, Cropping Patterns and Cropping Intensity in Haryana: A Comprehensive Review
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Agriculture is the main occupation of the rural population in Haryana. Steady growth in production and productivity of agriculture is very important for the overall sustainability of the economy of Haryana state. Thus, it becomes necessary to understand the important role and status of agriculture in Haryana. The cropping pattern, influenced by multifaceted factors, not only shapes production landscapes but also reflects local dietary preferences. Over the decades, Haryana has witnessed significant shifts in its cropping pattern, notably driven by the Green Revolution era starting in the 1960s. The Green Revolution significantly influenced the production of staple food crops in Haryana. The present research article attempts to present an analytical account of major crops in Haryana. This study aims to reveal the complexities of agricultural productivity in Haryana by examining crop production, area coverage, cropping patterns, and production trends. The green revolution has highly affected the cropping pattern of Haryana because it improved the production of wheat and rice and their prices. Drawing upon secondary data sources, this paper primarily focuses on production trends, cropping patterns, productivity, and cropping intensity. The secondary data is collected from statistical abstracts of Haryana from three decades i.e. 2000-01,2010-11 and 2020-21. The study concluded that the cropping pattern of Haryana preferred cereals mainly rice and wheat while pulses have shown a declining trend and oilseeds have an increasing trend.