To Contrast The Efficacy Of Muscle Energy Technique With Stretching Versus Myofascial Release With Strengthening Along With Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation In Subjects With Piriformis Syndrome

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Nisha Bhardwaj, Sharda Sharma, Shama Praveen Niraj Kumar, Mahesh kumar Shou, Manjul Nautiyal


Background: Piriformis Syndrome is an uncommon neuromuscular condition mimicking the sciatica like symptoms. This could lead to lower back pain which is common musculoskeletal problem and major reason for decrease activity. This study is helpful for the diagnosis of PS and to relieve pain using TENS, increase muscle strength, increase range of motion using MET with stretching and MFR with strengthening and to improve Quality of life.

Methods:This comparison study was done in Physiotherapy department of SMI Hospital by pre-post intervention type. Total 30 subjects were selected and divided into two groups 15 each. One group was given MET along with stretching and other group was given MFR along with strengthening. Along with these, both groups received TENS. Visual Analog Scale, Lower extremity functional scale, WHOQOL-Beef was used as outcome measures.

Conclusion: The Study indicated that muscle energy technique with stretching may be superior for reducing pain, whereas myofascial release with strengthening exercises may be more effective for enhancing range of motion, muscle strength and functional performance.

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