Biofertilizers Activities On Physiological And Yield Parameters Of Two Varieties, Azad P3 And PB89 Of Pea (Pisum Sativum)
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Pisum sativum is a legume crop an important protein choice for vegetarian’s diet. The production of the pea crop is important for the chlorophyll constituents and various chemical and organic nutrients of the soil. The two important varieties of Pea plant viz., Azad P3 and PB89 were cultivated setting up as a pot experiment using complete randomized design by sowing seeds in soil pre-mixed with various NPKs and PGPRs in triplicates. The pea plants were observed for the presence of mean number of leaves, relative water content of leaves, quantitation of chlorophyll content, and carbohydrate content. In addition, the yield production of the two varieties was also studied in the terms of the dimensions of the pods, weight of pod/plant, number of pods/plant, number of seeds/pod, and weight of the seeds/pod. NPK, NPK+R. pusense, NPK+B. subtilis, NPK+R. pusense+B. subtilis and Biofertilizer positively increased the chlorophyll contents to as compared to that of the control of both the varieties of P. sativum. The yield production of the Azad P3 was more than that of the PB89. The Pods of the cultivar Azad P3 was longer than that of PB89 by nearly 1 cm length. Among all the PGPRs the consortia are the best of all of these for the yield production of the varieties. The effect of NPK+B. subtilis+R. pusense in the soil increased the weight of pods per plant in the case of variety Azad P3 to nearly 6 gram while the weight of the pods/ plant was nearly 3.6 gram in case of PB89. Maximum output of the pea crop was found when the soil was manured with the NPK + consortia of the PGPRs.