As An International Language Teachingenglish In China: Opportunities, Challenges And Directions In The Context Of Educational Internationalization

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GAN TIAN,Emmanuel Hans,Jagadish Chandra Wagle


During the last 30–40 years, internationalisation has gone from being a side issue to a central one on the reform agenda in higher education. Some earlier ideals have been lost, and some earlier priorities have been replaced, as it has changed and gone in new directions. Although economic considerations have grown in importance, internationalisation should be guided by the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which outline the most pressing issues and aspirations confronting the world today. In order to assist resolve these issues, the design included both quantitative and qualitative methodologies into its framework. A survey instrument that was based on characteristics of CE discovered in the literature was developed in order to get the process of gathering quantitative data on the adoption of CE in educational environments started (see the Appendix). The questionnaire included 18 linguistic examples covering a broad variety of themes, including but not limited to, in order to measure the attitudes of English teachers and the students that they teach on CE.

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