A Comprehensive Study On Student And Teacher Relationships And Its Effect On Student Learning: Cross-Cultural Perspective On Education And Psychology

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HUANG JILEI,Emmanuel Hans,Suman Chhetry


Using a single-case study methodology, this study investigated the emotional dimensions of classroom exchanges between educators. Using data from only one case study, researchers were able to compile recommendations for how a teacher might best foster positive connections with their students. The analysis and interpretation that followed described the dominant ideas that emerged about how to build productive connections between teachers and students, as well as the particular aspects of those interactions that were deemed crucial to the students' educational experience. This research produced a narrative of methods and practises that facilitate the growth and sustenance of a teacher's connections with her pupils. In light of the data, four main types may be identified, each with its own set of defining characteristics. Each of these four main groups represents a different aspect of the social structure of the classroom. The study uses a constructivist approach to qualitative research in order to get a thorough knowledge of the dynamics between teachers and their students in this one unique situation. My objective in doing this research was to provide concrete examples and empirical data to the literature on the formation of teacher-student interactions. To help an educational community, it would be helpful to know what variables are related to interactions between teachers and their students. Possible effects of these results on educational settings are considered.

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