Effectiveness of Developing Badminton Drop Shot Training Model

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Khaeroni, Samsudin, Hidayat Humaid


This study aims to produce a product in the form of a drop shot latiahn model in badminton, test the feasibility of the model and test the effectiveness of the developed training model. The method used in this research is the reseacrh and development (R&D) model of Borg and Gall. The subjects in this study were student badminton athletes at 3 universities. The small group test was conducted at Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang with a total of 20 people, the large group test was conducted at Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi with a total of 40 people and the effectiveness test was conducted at Universitas Negeri Jakarta with a total of 20 experimental classes and 20 control classes. The results showed that the experimental group achieved an average speed N-Gain score of 0.7028 (70.28%), while the control group only reached 0.0910 (9.10%), the N-Gain score for accuracy in the experimental group reached 0.7179 (71.79%), while the control group only reached 0.1689 (16.89%). From the results of these calculations it can be concluded that the drop shot training model is effective for improving accuracy and speed.

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