Impact Of Diffusion Weighted Imaging (Dwi) ,Asequence Of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri) On Management Decision In Patients With Suspected Recurrent Atticoantral Disease Following Surgery For Cholesteatoma

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Dr Panchami Shetty, Dr Suhas Shetty, Dr Mahesh Santhraya



  • To assess the diagnostic accuracy of Diffusionweighted imaging sequence of MRI for the detection of residual or recurrent atticoantral disease.

  • Explore the potential of DWI MRI in reducing unnecessary surgical interventions and optimising patient outcomes.


Materials and Methods: The patient population in this single centre, cross sectional study was a group of 33 participants with suspected recurrence of atticoantral disease from a period of 2 years, from June 2020 to June 2022.


 Result: The sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of MRI in diagnosing recurrence of atticoantral disease is 100%.


Conclusion: MRI, specifically diffusion-weighted MRI, is a reliable alternative to CT scanning and can prevent unnecessary second look surgeries in patients with doubtful recurrence ofatticoantral disease and cholesteatoma.

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