Effect Of Job Satisfaction On The Performance Of Employees In Tamilnadu Generation And Distribution Corporation (Tangedco) Limited, Nagercoil

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Dr. P. Jasbin Bino, Dr. V. Vincy, Dr. G. Rajesh Babu


In this modern world satisfying human labor is an essential part for a growing enterprise. Human mind get satisfied by some of the factors like working environment, pay schemes, incentives, welfare facilities, nature of the supervisors, etc. Satisfaction in the job leads to high job performance and increased turn over. Dissatisfaction in the job leads to low performance, absenteeism, low turnover, etc. Even though organizations are taking several measures to satisfy their employees, the satisfaction level of the employees are very low. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of job satisfaction on the performance of the employees. Both primary and secondary data are used for this research. The sample size is 100. The sampling technique used for this research is ‘Simple Random Sampling’. The tool used for analysis was Correlation Analysis. It was found that the job satisfaction and performance of employees was positively correlated. It was concluded that when the employees are highly satisfied with their job their productivity level also increases which will boost the performance of the employees.

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